polaris Go 1.8 is released (blog.golang.org)

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polaris Newish to Go, looking for advice

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polaris Help: Sending os.Stdin via an http POST request (stackoverflow.com)

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polaris Google’s not-so-secret new OS (techspecs.blog)

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polaris The fastest go template engine - Hero. (github.com)

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polaris Go dependencies are the DEVIL! (medium.com)

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polaris ZEUS - A Powerful Build System (www.github.com)

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polaris Is it possible to run Django on Grumpy? (www.quora.com)

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polaris GORM many2many preload error - Sqlite generating the wrong SQL (stackoverflow.com)

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polaris Memo: Take a note for CUI (github.com)

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polaris 20% slowdown in http benchmarks in Go 1.8 rc3 (github.com)

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polaris Building a Performant API using Go and Cassandra (medium.com)

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polaris Should one learn C prior to Go?

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polaris What are you guys using go for?

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polaris vim-godebug: Go debugging for Vim [x-post /r/vim] (github.com)

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polaris migrator: A simple tool to aid database migrations (github.com)

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polaris float64 precision

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polaris Golang bcc/BPF Function Tracing (www.brendangregg.com)

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polaris Bit Hacking with Go (medium.com)

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polaris gopass - The 'pass' compatible password manager for teams (www.justwatch.com)

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polaris Let's start your journey with Go (www.webofcherry.com)

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polaris Should you containerize your Go code? (www.oreilly.com)

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polaris What is an interface? (hackernoon.com)

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polaris How to run multiple Go apps on a dedicated server? (stackoverflow.com)

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polaris The low-level awesomeness of Go (www.thedotpost.com)

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polaris Understanding Concurrency Patterns in Go – Code Zen (medium.com)

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