polaris Enrich `go test` outputs with text decorations (github.com)

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polaris piper - pipe things over TLS connection (github.com)

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polaris A Simple Golang SCSI Target framework (github.com)

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polaris Sparta: A Go framework for AWS Lambda microservices (gosparta.io)

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polaris FOSDEM 2017 - Go devroom (fosdem.org)

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polaris Go-hep/fit: fitting data with objective functions (github.com)

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polaris Most popular Go libraries and frameworks on GitHub (gittrends.io)

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polaris Just a little regexp benchmark

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polaris Practical Golang Gopher Plush

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polaris reimplement Go sync package with channels (github.com)

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polaris Automatic Database Call Tracing in Go Applications (stackimpact.com)

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polaris An extensible linter for Thrift, written in Go (github.com)

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polaris Get the raw text of a request.

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polaris Looking for feedback for upcoming httpexpect.v2 (github.com)

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polaris Go Programming Example (neethack.com)

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polaris Go 1.8RC1 (groups.google.com)

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polaris A look at the new plugin buildmode coming in Go 1.8 (nick.groenen.me)

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polaris vim-go v1.11 released (github.com)

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polaris Built with Go - PictuRap - Image to Rap Lyrics (picturap.com)

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polaris Extending Converge | Asteris (aster.is)

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polaris Goroutines, Nonblocking I/O, And Memory Usage (eklitzke.org)

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polaris Golang slice and append (medium.com)

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polaris Gitea released v1.0.1 (blog.gitea.io)

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polaris Dgraph v0.7.1: Highly Available Using RAFT (open.dgraph.io)

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polaris Buffalo - The Go Web Framework (gobuffalo.io)

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polaris In Computer Languages, Clarity Is Key (paw.princeton.edu)

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polaris Why Leap Seconds are Tricky and How to Deal With Them (kev.inburke.com)

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polaris Golang testing — functional arguments for wonderful builders (vincent.demeester.fr)

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polaris Cracking The BBC'S GCHQ Puzzlebook Challenge, Revisited (stiobhart.net)

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polaris returning []*T vs []T

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polaris Deploying a Static Website to AWS with Go (www.zupzup.org)

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