polaris I/O with Go: io.Pipe() (garbagecollected.org)

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polaris System Software: Random notes on the Go 1.4 runtime. (syssoftware.blogspot.com)

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polaris rsc on why go does not have generics: it's technical, not political (news.ycombinator.com)

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polaris Go 1.5 GOMAXPROCS Default (docs.google.com)

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polaris Go in Go (1.5) (talks.golang.org)

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polaris Go: The price of interface{} (www.darkcoding.net)

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polaris Dependency management and Go (jbeckwith.com)

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polaris Go Plugins are as Easy as Pie (npf.io)

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polaris GopherFest 2015 Livestream Details

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polaris Post: My Thoughts on Go (blog.goodstuff.im)

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polaris Go first time user

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polaris qrest - a quick RESTful server (github.com)

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polaris Machine Setup Guide

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polaris agent_check: haproxy feedback and command agent (github.com)

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polaris Go Is Unapologetically Flawed, Here’s Why We Use It (bravenewgeek.com)

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polaris Go 1.5 compilation speeds slower than 1.4 (groups.google.com)

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polaris Thoughts about Golang Action Responses (blog.fraixed.es)

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polaris Golang and OpenID

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polaris Machinery: Celery for Golang (github.com)

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polaris decoding with mixed structures (gowithconfidence.tumblr.com)

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polaris The Cultural Evolution of gofmt (talks.go-zh.org)

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polaris A struct-tags based flags package: go-flagged. (github.com)

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polaris Currying functions in go

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polaris Extract urls from text using regexp (github.com)

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polaris (Draft) Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes in Go (golang) (devs.cloudimmunity.com)

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polaris A web foundation "Goyangi"

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polaris New to Go

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polaris Seven5: Opinionated web development for Go (and only Go) (seven5.github.io)

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polaris [ANN] svctl - interactive runit controller. (github.com)

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polaris rtop: remote server monitoring tool written in Go (www.rtop-monitor.org)

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polaris Getting the system block size

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polaris Golang资料集

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polaris Go implementation of ssdeep, fuzzy matching library. (godoc.org)

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polaris Using Go at The New York Times (www.youtube.com)

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polaris I’d rather Go complain about Rails (thread0.me)

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