Go语言中文网 为您找到相关结果 3683

What separates a buffer from a byte array or slice? Are buffers just a fancy array?

<p>This is one part of Go I&#39;m having trouble understanding. A buffer is an ordered collection of bytes. Some functions read data into buffers, or out of buffers, and I can make a new buffer out of a []byte.</p> <p>One new thing is that a buffer stores a marker of the &#39;current position&#39;, and has a <code&...阅读全文

资源 2017-11-04 12:00:13 xuanbao


声明:本文内容纯属博主自己查找和归纳的个人所需的知识点,仅作参考,如有错误,博主强烈希望您指出。如果您是某个知识点的原创博主,如有需要,可联系本人加上链接。本文内容会根据博主所需进行更新,希望大家多多关照。 MySQL底层数据结构 B+树 存储引擎之二:InnoDB与Myisam InnoDB Myisam 事务 支持 不支持 外键 支持 不支持 锁 表锁、行锁 表锁 总行数 需要扫描整个表 直接读取 文件 .idb数据文件和它的.frm文件,表的大小只受限于操作系统文件的大小,一般为 2GB .frm文件存储表定义。数据文件的扩展名为.MYD (MYData)。索引文件的扩展名是.MYI (MYIndex)。 使用环境 都符合要求的情况下,改动多的时候 都符合要求的情况下,查找多的时候 自...阅读全文

博文 2020-04-07 18:32:47 DX3906


Tips: all for hands-free. Tips 系列:记录日常解决问题、解放双手的一些小技巧。 目的只有一个:不被重复的琐事麻痹,能偷懒的绝不手软。 今天聊聊如何优雅的使用GDB调试Go程序。 GDB有啥用? 想了解代码底层的话,它是一大利器,更别说定位问题啥的。 具体骚操作见曹大的使用 debugger 学习 golang 但GDB从安装到可用,可能有一大堆问题要解决(尤其在Mac上),我们怎么能优雅的使用它,避免陷入问题中,是本文的重点。 (涉及Docker和Mac两个平台上运行) 先来看比较推荐的Docker方式 Docker篇:3步即可调试 docker加持的话,非常方便,随用随起 先上效果:戳 gdb-debug-go-in-docker 可下载命令 具体步骤如下:(...阅读全文

博文 2020-02-20 12:34:18 newbmiao

What "mature" Go libraries/frameworks are available that companies can put their trust in?

<p>If you were the CTO of a medium-sized technology company and you have decided to use Go as your company&#39;s main programming language, which libraries or frameworks would you encourage your team(s) to use? Please base it on the knowledge that these libraries are proven to work well for production-code, their authors won&#39;t dis...阅读全文

资源 2018-01-18 20:30:12 agolangf

CloudFoundry and go libraries

<p>CF has an enormous amount of go code (Diego for example) that is all open source. Yet, I&#39;ve never pulled in a library from CF.</p> <p>I expect must of these large projects solve interesting problems and yield interesting abstractions. Does CF share any of this with the OSS community?</p> <p>I&#39;m sur...阅读全文

资源 2017-11-02 03:00:12 agolangf

Golang Summer Internships 2018?

<p>Background: I&#39;m a sophomore and computer science major, and I love working with golang. I worked on a privacy-oriented anonymous authentication proxy last summer in go, and want to continue working in Go.</p> <p>Actual Question: What are some companies/institutions that work in Go, and are looking for interns in the Un...阅读全文

资源 2018-02-26 14:30:13 agolangf

Dealing with large SQL queries

<p>I have an application that serves data via an HTTP API from Redshift and RDS that needs to do pretty complicated queries (in the ballpark of 100-200 lines each). Each route needs to SUM, GROUP, ORDER, filter, etc. Is there a &#34;good&#34; or &#34;idiomatic&#34; way of keeping these queries maintainable in Go (or any langua...阅读全文

资源 2017-04-07 04:00:11 xuanbao


# docker * docker容器和宿主os共享一个kernel。 * docker容器使用统一文件系统技术, 在宿主机kernel的基础之上叠加整合了一个单独隔离的文件系统(包含vfs), 因为容器/proc目录和宿主机的/proc目录互相隔离所以, 容器中的进程与宿主机的进程互相隔离。 * docker容器具有虚拟网卡, daemon为docker容器提供了虚拟网络 (支持nat模式), docker容器中的网络可以隔离也可以通过nat和宿主os对外共享ip。 * docker容器中的进程对于宿主os来说, 依旧是一个进程, 只是docker容器对运行在容器中的进程进行了的封装,容器中进程使用容器提供的单独隔离的文件系统, 以及虚拟网卡。 * docker容器主进程运行结束则dock...阅读全文

博文 2020-06-01 12:38:34 loop_0

Error Coverage

<p>Do you guys test for coverage when you pass an error along?</p> <p>For a specific example say I&#39;m using database/sql with a driver and I know the driver returns errors. I want to pass those errors along to the caller but I feel that testing these is really testing the driver implementation. </p> <p>Am I wr...阅读全文

资源 2017-05-05 22:00:02 blov

Can a Go program, once compiled, have a bit that will take arbitrary input to run other arbitrary Go code potentially compiled separately?

<p>I should be specific - this is only one of two ideas I have for what I need to do. Now, I might be able to recompile the program in the background whenever something new is added and it may be possible to do so quickly as long as I&#39;m only adding a few new classes or even objects of an already existing class, but..... Basically, I n...阅读全文

资源 2018-04-08 09:30:13 blov


题目描述 输入一个递增排序的数组和一个数字S,在数组中查找两个数,使得他们的和正好是S,如果有多对数字的和等于S,输出两个数的乘积最小的。 示例: 输入:target = 9 输出:[[2,3,4],[4,5]] 思路 1.这道题可以使用“双指针”的思想解决。 2.设置两个指针,分别指向首位两个元素。 当nums[low]+nums[high]==target时,返回双指针对应的数字 当 nums [ low] > target - nums [ high] 时,说明右边的值过大,high- 1 当 nums [ low] < target - nums [ high] 时,说明左边的值过小,low+ 1 Java代码实现 public class Solution { public int...阅读全文

博文 2020-03-03 15:33:03 youzhihua

The conventional FizzBuzz problem in go Lang using Maps.

<p>I am learning go and was curious on how to use go maps to solve the conventional fizzbuzz problem, i.e. print number from say, 1-100 and multiples of 3 &amp; 5 get printed fizz and buzz respectively. I looked over a bunch of solutions in different languages but somehow can&#39;t produce the same results in go. Thanks in advance.<...阅读全文

Suggestions/strategy for messaging and/or user-group systems for a Go app

<p>I’m looking for suggestions/strategy on messaging systems and/or user-group-management systems for my app.</p> <p>The app is all Go in the back-end, with MYSQL db and an API serving JSON to clients (website, Android, iPhone). Hosted on Google Cloud using App Engine. Primary features are event posting+rsvp’ing with event commen...阅读全文

How damaging for the Golang community is docker becoming pay-to-use ? Will this become a trend ?

<p>First of all, I understand that the &#34;old docker&#34; is still alive in the form of moby. However, the &#34;owners&#34; of docker have chosen to use the brand of docker for a closed &#34;EE&#34; product.</p> <p>This is obviously bad because it splits the community. People will fork away from Moby bec...阅读全文

A question on back-end design

<p>Maybe this is a question better suited to a different subreddit, but I&#39;ll post here because I&#39;m working in Go. I&#39;m building a back-end for a project I&#39;m working on, which includes a MySQL database. I&#39;m wondering how Go interacts with MySQL, and how I should be handling multiple calls to the database ...阅读全文

资源 2017-08-09 02:00:10 xuanbao

Go hidden gems thread

<p>Do you know any high quality Go project or package that is basically unknown? Sometimes the author don&#39;t bother to post it on Go channels like <a href="/r/golang">/r/golang</a>. Please post it here, other gophers can find it useful.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mrfrobozz: <pre><p>...阅读全文

资源 2017-11-18 15:00:11 blov

Was hoping to get some critique on my first go library!

<p>Hey all. I&#39;m a hobbyist programmer at best and getting back into programming I decided to tackle Go! I am having a blast with it so far and I&#39;m currently working on sort of a managed job queue. Where you can set up jobs, send them to the queue, and the queue will fire up a MaxActiveJobs number of jobs and wait for them to f...阅读全文