polaris The Go Play Space – Turtle Graphics Mode (goplay.space)

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polaris How do you practice good design?

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polaris Introducing WDTE (deedlefake.com)

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polaris justforfunc #17: contributing to the Go project (www.youtube.com)

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polaris Go tips and tricks: The thing about slices - Tit Petric (scene-si.org)

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polaris Go team member conditionally considering leaving Google (twitter.com)

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polaris Go 2, please don't make it happen

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polaris Licensing Question

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polaris gorilla/csrf explained (medium.com)

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polaris ASK for ThreatConnect - Any advice? (github.com)

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polaris "This is fine" (Gopher derivative, by Ashley McNamara) (twitter.com)

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polaris Contributors Summit - The Go Blog (blog.golang.org)

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polaris Tutorial: visualize your local Git contributions with Go (flaviocopes.com)

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polaris Building a web GUI with Golang

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polaris Function Failure reporting: Error or OK (gist.github.com)

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polaris Using functional options instead of method chaining in Go (www.calhoun.io)

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polaris New to Golang

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polaris Image hash library for Go.(Improvements needed.) (github.com)

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polaris A perceptron with stochastic gradient descent in Go (github.com)

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polaris How I Build My Static Assets for Hugo (blog.carlmjohnson.net)

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polaris How to use Go as an object-oriented programming language. (www.golangprograms.com)

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polaris The trouble with optional interfaces (blog.merovius.de)

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polaris Audio in golang

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polaris Good learning material

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polaris quicktype - Give it JSON, get nice marshaling (go.quicktype.io)

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polaris Resolving import cycles

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polaris Subtle issues with ORMs, and how to avoid them (www.calhoun.io)

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polaris dep status - Week of July 24 (sdboyer.io)

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polaris Are We There Yet: The Go Generics Debate (bravenewgeek.com)

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polaris Bang! notation for error handling boilerplate in Go (github.com)

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polaris vim set up for golang (asheetkumar.in)

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