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golang中有个神奇的函数init,该函数会在所有程序执行开始前被调用,每个包可以包含多个init函数,所有被编辑器识别到的init函数都会在main函数执行前被调用。通常被用来注册一个程序需要使用的依赖,如mysql注册,配置文件加载等。 在main包的使用 package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("这里是mian") } func init() { fmt.Println("这里是Init1") } func init() { fmt.Println("这里是Init2") } //输出结果 这里是Init1 这里是Init2 这里是main 一个很简单的示例,可以看到init函数是在main函数执行之前被执行的,并且一个...阅读全文

博文 2020-01-15 09:32:42 旧梦发癫

In Golang, is it generally preferred to write methods that return new values and then save the result, or methods that mutate receivers and arguments?

<p>I&#39;m totally new to Go, and I was hoping someone could give me a bit of guidance as to what the best practices/patterns in it are.</p> <p>Say that I&#39;m writing a tool that connects to public APIs over the internet, and saves response information to a local database. I make a struct, <code>apiClient</code...阅读全文

资源 2017-07-03 18:00:04 agolangf


Golang: 思路:把奇数位和偶数位的字符全部找出来,然后排序在组合起来,建个map看下情况即可 代码如下: func superEggDrop(K int, N int) int { if K==1{ return N } mat:=make([][]int,K+1) for k,_:=range mat{ mat[k]=make([]int,N+1) } for k,_:=range mat[1]{ mat[1][k]=k } for i:=2;i<=K;i++{ for j:=1;j<=N;j++{ low,high:=1,j for low+1阅读全文

博文 2020-04-11 13:32:43 淳属虚构


声明:本文内容纯属博主自己查找和归纳的个人所需的知识点,仅作参考,如有错误,博主强烈希望您指出。如果您是某个知识点的原创博主,如有需要,可联系本人加上链接。本文内容会根据博主所需进行更新,希望大家多多关照。 直接插入排序 void InsertSort(int r[]) { int n = sizeof(r) / sizeof(r[0]); for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { for(int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) { if(r[j+1] < r[j]) { int s = r[j+1]; r[j+1] = r[j]; r[j] = s; } } } } 折半插入排序 void BinInsertSort(int r[]) { int n = s...阅读全文

博文 2020-04-08 09:32:49 DX3906

How did the dandelion, an edible and remarkably versatile plant, come to be classified as a weed?

<p>I was reading in the memoir of a Great Depression survivor that she would stop and gather dandelions while out looking for work and bring them all home for a dandelion dinner in case her mother had been unable to find anything to eat. This piqued my interest, and I did some research on the dandelion. I was shocked out how versatile this pl...阅读全文

资源 2017-06-04 18:00:02 blov

What are multi-agents and how are they related to go-routines ?

<p>It seems the years 2000s have witnessed the rise and fall of multi-agents related software paradigms. As I was trying to understand it, I stumbled upon the following analogy: multi-agents are like cars on a city grid, all cars following the simple rule of traffic lights. Such uses cases for would be economic, structural and other kinds of ...阅读全文

资源 2017-03-22 17:00:08 agolangf